Friday, September 28, 2007

The story behind "RETRO" as a theme for 2008

"Retro!! hmm.. nice theme" that's how every IITGian reacts at first...
but telling you frankly, it was not that easy to settle down to a theme as different and challenging as Retro!! Lets see if team'08 can justify with the theme.. :)

After long discussions with lots of innovative and illogical ideas :) , we narrowed down to these 2 themes for 2008:
1. Revel in RETRO !!
2. Go WILD!!

few others which came into discussion included "Black", "white", "Black & White" and all sorts of nonsense colours... :)

Finally, after heated discussions and long meeting sessions( of which most of you are familiar with :) ) , we settled down to RETRO!!

More coming up in next post...

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