Friday, October 5, 2007

So friends, at the time when Team'08 has just started the work, not in full fledge though, but still significant developments are taking place daily, in each team which are enough to worry about something or the other, and when whole IITG is busy awaiting Manthan(2 weeks away), I'll look dumb to post something at 4.40 AM. :)
So, cut the crap, enjoy the release Poster!
Get ALCHERised.. :)

Just to mark an achievement, Publi team'08 has gone active well on schedule with teams sent to Gangtok, Darjeeling, Kolkata, Patna etc. regions already.

1 comment:

>>Jatt On Jaunt said...

Publi team drops in to say JAI ALCHER.

And yeah Alcher Flyer Poster comes loaded with a "ZING" feeling.....won't get lost in a crowd of wannabes sticking on Notice Boards.

n BTW "A Boy" u luk dumb all the time not just at 4:40 am.:D